Monday, July 26, 2010

BoYz TrIp

Here are a few of the pics from the trip that my dad, Cody, and Greg took. They went to Mammoth, Yosemite, June, Tioga Pass....lots of stops on the way! Cody had a blast and is ready to go back....

~Beach Days~

We have been spending alot of hours at the beach....we can not wait for our trip to Newport!!!

Greg Graduates!

We are so proud of you Uncle Greg!

AZ trip....

We were lucky enough to go and see Hilary and Laura - - I didnt get any pictures with Hilary or her kids - super sad. Jamie was nice enough to have a big pool party for us. We then headed to Laura's for the night. She too had a BBQ for much fun for Caelen to see Laura again, they picked up as if they had never left each other :) We miss Laura so much!!!