Friday, July 29, 2011

Morning Snuggles

Grady "talking"

Enjoy this sweet little clip!

Grady 6 week apt...

Grady had his 6 week apt. He weighed in at 10.4 (25%) and 21.5 inches (25%). The Dr said he looked great! He wore this cute little outfit to his appointment!

Friday, July 15, 2011 babies...

Grady's first trip to the beach...

Mamaw and Papaw Visit

Beans Party...

Grady is 1 month old

WoW - where has time gone? Our little man is already 4 weeks old. He still eats about every 3 hours around the clock - he is the happiest baby. I unofficially weighed him and he was 9.6lbs - getting to be a big boy!