Sunday, August 22, 2010

BaCk to ScHOol and SucH

Today we went and got Caelen her first day of Preschool outfit...we went to the mall that has a carousel.....


Caelen's outfit she picked out....check out her shoes :)

She wanted to wear her outfit out of the cute...

Happy as a clam on the elephant....

Courtneys Baby Shower

Enjoy picture overload :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

pRetTy GiRls....

The girls and I had to go to a family gathering yesterday....I decided to snap a few pics....

Sisterly Love

Goofy Grin :)

Caelen asked me if her dress would "twirl"...looks perfect my blonde beauty....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

~Caelen is going to preschool!~

Caelen is going to preschool! I am so excited. She will be starting the first week of September. I have alot to do to get her ready but I started by getting her this great backpack. She helped me pick it out! What do you think? I got her the school one in that same color with her name on it. I just think its super cute. I got it at Pottery Barn Kids! I am lucky enough to have Teresa who will take her and pick her up! My Caelen is growing up so fast!

Grandpa Ria took the kids to target today and they got make-up kits....Natalie is amazing at putting on lip gloss!!
He spoils them...they got dresses and an outfit too :)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

camera techniques....

I have been trying out different settings and techniques on my camera....I think these turned out pretty good :)