Thursday, October 13, 2011

toothless Caelen

4 month line up!

Check out all my babies!!

Grady's stats...

Grady went in for his 4 month check up...he checks out to be as follows:

14.3 lbs (40th)
24in (25th)

cutie patootie

better late than never...

Grady turned 3 months on 9/10 and then 4 months on 10/ time is sure flying. I am so so glad and grateful to be able to be spending time with him.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Grady's first football game...

We took Grady to his first USC game and we all had a blast. It was HOT so we left early...

12 week check up

Grady had his 12 week check up yesterday. He weighed in at 12.6 lbs which is in the 25th percentile and he was 22 and 3/4in long which is the 50th percentile. He is growing like a weed. He also went to his first football game at Moorpark High School!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I finally caught his precious smile on camera. Just this week we have started getting tons and tons of smiles...melts mamas heart!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

2 months!



time flies little man..we love you more and more each day. you are a very good baby but boy oh boy do you love to be held. mommy has had to cut all dairy out of her diet to keep you happy! you love love love to be swaddled...i added a pic of Caelen and Natalie at 2 months also so we can compare :) love you baby boy!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Morning Snuggles

Grady "talking"

Enjoy this sweet little clip!

Grady 6 week apt...

Grady had his 6 week apt. He weighed in at 10.4 (25%) and 21.5 inches (25%). The Dr said he looked great! He wore this cute little outfit to his appointment!

Friday, July 15, 2011 babies...

Grady's first trip to the beach...

Mamaw and Papaw Visit

Beans Party...

Grady is 1 month old

WoW - where has time gone? Our little man is already 4 weeks old. He still eats about every 3 hours around the clock - he is the happiest baby. I unofficially weighed him and he was 9.6lbs - getting to be a big boy!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bean is 3!!!

Natalie turned 3 on the 25th! We went to see Cars 2 and then had a low key afternoon at home. She got a big girl bike and her and Caelen rode all afternoon! We are having her party on the 3rd of July complete with Fireworks!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

~sisterly love~

Baby Shower...

Some very special ladies had a beautiful baby shower for me. We had a fabulous afternoon and I was spoiled with some amazing gifts. Thank you very much Ciji, Michelle, and Courtney! Also, thank you to all of my guests...especially those of you who came from out of town...Aunt Adele, Danielle, and Hilary!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Grady Timothy Fredric

Grady Timothy Fredric
5lbs13oz and 18inches
June 10 2011

On Friday June 10th I went to the Dr to have my BP checked and a NST. Before I left Cody told me that he thought it was baby day. Well sure enough he was right. Dr. Field decided that the best thing to do was have a repeat c-section that night due to my elevated blood pressure. I was a nervous wreck. I had 2.5 hours to be at the hospital. Our bag was only half way packed. We go to the hospital at 4pm after dropping the girls off with Mama and Ria. The hooked me up to monitors and the surgery was set to start at 6pm. Well Dr Field had another patient in labor so we were delayed a lil bit. Around 630 they walked me back to the OR to get my spinal started. Oh I was so scared. Dr Field was great and held my hand and told me everything would be ok until Cody got there and took over so she could deliver this lil bundle of joy. He came out at 706 pm and was given 9/9 on his APGAR. Daddy took baby Grady to the nursery to get all cleaned up. Mama, Ria, Ciji, Caelen, and Natalie were all waiting in the windows watching. I was getting sewn back up! I finally got to my room around 10pm. I got to hold Grady. I did get to hold him and nurse him in the recovery room but it was hard cause they have you laying flat due to the spinal. We are all totally in love with this lil man. There are many many many more pictures to follow from the first few days of his life. Also, just the week before I had my baby shower and I have a ton of photos to share from that day as well. Oh, almost a week later, I can not believe he is here already. We are so so so in love!